Welcome to my website

Hello, welcome to my website. I am an Expressionist painter, living in Melbourne. I am influenced by the art of Van Gogh and the German Expressionists. My work uses arbitrary colour to express my feelings for the subject matter. I also incorporate a strong sense of structure and design in my art works and use a dark outline, usually black, around the subject to contain the emotion lying within. I have a fascination with pattern making and put these elements into my still life paintings and drawings. Strong contrasts of light and dark are also a feature of my work. Portraits are my first love as they contain a psychological element. When I undertook a Postgraduate Course in Fine Art at Monash University, Gippsland Campus, Churchill, Victoria, I explored the relationship between the symbolic meaning of flowers and people’s choice of their favourite flower by painting portraits of my friends with their favourite flower. The results were quite revealing. In the Masters of Visual Arts course at Monash University, Gippsland Campus, I painted still life and interiors of my home ‘Rose Cottage’ and was greatly influenced by the art of Grace Cossington Smith, Margaret Olley, Criss Canning and Cressida Campbell.



My last exhibition opened on 3 August 2016 at Tacit Contemporary Art in Johnston Street, Abbotsford. The subject matter was still life and I called the exhibition ‘Tableaux.’  The meaning of Tableau is various e.g.

Tableau: a striking or artistic grouping, arrangement or scene.

Tableau: a depiction of a scene usually presented on a stage by silent and motionless costumed participants.

Tableau: short for tableau vivant from the French, literally meaning ‘living picture.’

All of the meanings above pertained to this still life exhibition.

See some of the paintings from the ‘Tableaux’ exhibition under the Still Life tab.



 ‘Flowers from Cloudhill.’ Acrylic on canvas. 52 x 40 cm






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